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Our Projects

It is our hope that a variety of steps in our local community will inspire public awareness and the desire to protect and encourage the Western Monarchs to return to our community.


These ideas might move you to action.

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Butterfly Garden Planter (BGP)


We started our project because we were concerned about the declining number of western monarch butterflies. The mayor of our city made a statement about the western monarch butterflies and this showed that it wasn't just us who wanted the western monarchs back. Also, only one western monarch was photographed in Marion county this year. We decided to create a project to help bring back the monarchs.


We know that western monarchs need milkweed and flowering plants to survive. They lay their eggs on the milkweed plants and the larvae hatch on the plant and eat its leaves. Adult butterflies drink nectar from flowering plants as a food source. There is not much milkweed and flowers widespread throughout Oregon in big cities. Many people spray and kill milkweed because they think of it as an annoying eye sore. This leaves little habitat left for these beautiful creatures. 


To make a change, we have created many parts to a project that we hope will bring back the western monarch butterflies. For part of our project, we 3D printed a model of a drone attachment that will drop milkweed and flower seeds at certain locations to create small pit stops for the butterflies to rest, eat, and lay eggs during their long journey. We also created a website, along with a video, to explain our project and raise awareness about Monarchs. In addition, we planted a butterfly garden in Kroger park and at our school. We also had a booth at the local Agriculture Festival, held at the Oregon State Fairgounds in April 2023, to help other people realize what danger the beautiful western monarch butterflies are in. 


Our goal for this project is to bring the monarchs back and raise awareness about animals that are rare or going extinct. We chose this particular butterfly because it is very recognizable and popular. There has also been much research on this butterfly. As we worked on this project, we combined ideas and worked together to create the best possible project. We worked with organizations such as Roots and Shoots and the City of Salem to get money and places in which to plant for these monarchs.


We used teamwork and inspiration to create this project while learning to protect and preserve nature. We learned to save nature for future generations to enjoy and respect. On the whole, our project was created to help the monarchs and to inspire others to protect nature. Our science coach encouraged us to join the Paradigm Challenge because we like working with the natural world. We hope our project will succeed in bringing back the monarch butterflies. 

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Before BGP

Sadly many fields in the world look like this.

BGP to the Rescue!

We are going to send BGP to these locations throughout the world 

After BGP

We hope that in the future they look like this.

New Invention for Milkweed Distribution
Project 1
Planting Western Monarch Butterfly Gardens in our Community

      As part of our project we planted butterfly gardens at Queen of Peace School and Kroger Park.  In these gardens we planted flowers such as Showy milkweed, Dwarf cosmos, Purple cone flower, and Marigold 'Naughty Marietta'These were recommended according to our planting zone. Not only will planting these flowers increase the Western Monarch butterfly population it will brighten the lives of the people in our community.

Project 2
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Our Western Monarch gardens are registered Monarch Waystations through the Monarch Watch program.
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Our Research on the Western Monarch and Spreading Community Awareness
Project 3
Did you know?

The Western Monarch population is  declining at a rapid rate and they need help. Watch our video to learn what's causing them to be endangered and how you can help.

Education Booth

In April, we hosted a booth at the Oregon Ag Fest, held at the Oregon State Fairgrounds in Salem, Oregon. We handed out Monarch Butterfly Garden seed packets with directions and information on getting involved in the local community to rebuild the Western Monarch habitat and encourage these important pollinators to return.

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